Purchase rules

Sweeco.lv rules governing the sales contract and the obligations of the parties

Basic Provisions

These rules of sale and purchase (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) determine the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the person purchasing the goods in the online store www.sweeco.lv (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) and SIA "SWEECO" (hereinafter as the Seller), when purchasing goods in the online store. By purchasing goods in the online store, the Buyer agrees to the application of these Rules.

Conclusion of a sales contract

The purchase and sale agreement between the Buyer and the Seller is considered concluded from the moment when the Buyer has formed a basket of goods in the electronic store, indicating the delivery address, choosing a payment method and familiarizing himself with these Rules by clicking on the "Pay" button and are valid until the obligations under this agreement are fully fulfilled ... In cases where the Buyer does not agree with all or a certain part of the Rules, he should not submit an application.

Seller rights

If the Buyer tries to harm the operation or stable operation of the electronic store or violates its obligations, the Seller may limit, suspend (terminate) his access to the electronic store without prior notice and is not responsible for any related losses of the Buyer.

The Seller has the right to immediately stop working in the online store without any separate responsibility for any losses incurred by the Buyer.

The seller has the right to unilaterally change these Rules by changing the Rules by posting information about this on the website of the electronic store. Changes take effect from the moment of posting for all transactions held in the post.

Obligations of the seller

The Seller undertakes to make efforts to enable the Buyer to properly use the services provided by the online store. The seller does not provide any guarantees that the online store will operate continuously or that the data transmission will be error-free. The Seller is not responsible for any losses of the Buyer related to the failure of the e-shop errors and / or data transmission.

In case of significant circumstances, the Seller, unable to offer the ordered goods to the Buyer, undertakes to offer similar goods, and if the Buyer refuses to accept an analogue of the goods, the money paid by the Buyer within 10 working days is returned to him, In this case, the Seller is released from liability for failure to present the goods ...

The seller undertakes to comply with other requirements specified in these Rules.

Buyer's rights

The Buyer has the right to purchase goods in the online store in accordance with these Rules and regulations of the Republic of Latvia.

The buyer (user) has the right to withdraw from the contract for the sale of goods concluded in the electronic store with the Seller by notifying the seller in writing within 14 working days from the date of delivery of the goods. The Buyer has the right to withdraw from the sales contract with the Seller only if the product is good, has not been damaged and its appearance has not changed significantly.

The Buyer has other rights specified in the Regulations and legal acts of the Republic of Latvia.

Buyer's responsibilities

The buyer is obliged to pay the price of the goods and delivery, as well as other payments (if specified in the conclusion of the contract) and accept the ordered goods. The buyer pays for the goods in the specified banks www.sweeco.lv.

If the data specified in the registration form of the Client changes, the Buyer must immediately update them.

The Buyer is obliged to confirm the payment order in the Buyer's bank on the Internet, which includes a link from the online store (if the Seller has entered into an appropriate agreement with the Buyer's bank). The goods selected by the buyer are reserved and the Seller does not enter into a sales contract until the Seller receives payment from the Buyer's bank for the selected goods.

The buyer must comply with other requirements specified in the Regulations and legal acts of the Republic of Latvia.

General responsibilities

The buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided in the registration form. The buyer assumes responsibility for the consequences of errors or inaccuracies in the data provided in the registration form.

The parties are liable for violation of the purchase and sale agreement concluded with the use of the electronic store in accordance with the procedure established by the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia.

Taking into account the Law on Electronic Signature of the Republic of Latvia, the Buyer agrees with the Seller that the confirmation of the Customer's actions in the electronic store to access the data of the electronic store (identification code) falls under the Law on Electronic Signature, the legal validity of the electronic signature (that is, has the same legal force, as the signature in written documents, and is allowed as a means of evidence in court). The buyer must keep his access to the data of the electronic store and not disclose it, make sure that the data is known only to him, and the data is used only by him, and not transferred and otherwise does not provide other persons with access or use of this data. If you suspect that the login data may be discovered by another person, immediately inform the Seller and report any violation or disclosure of access to the electronic store data. All actions performed using the Buyer's identification code are considered to have been done by the Buyer, and the Buyer assumes full responsibility for the consequences of such actions.

The Seller is not responsible for the information presented on the websites of other companies, even if the buyer is sent to these sites through links in the Seller's online store.

The Seller is not responsible for the fact that the products displayed in the electronic store in their color, shape or other parameters do not correspond to the actual size of the products, shapes and colors due to the characteristics of the monitor used by the Buyer,

In the event of damage, the party shall indemnify the other party for direct damage caused by its fault.

Sending information

The buyer sends all messages and questions about the contact information on the contact page with the seller.

Final provisions

The Buyer and the Seller agree that all information contained on the seller's website on the Internet (including, but not limited to, these Rules, information about the Seller, the goods and services offered and their properties, the Buyer's right to withdraw from the sales contract, service The Seller of the goods and warranties (if any) is deemed to have been sent to the Buyer in writing.

All disputes arising out of the sales contract between the Buyer and the Seller or related to it are discussed. If no agreement has been reached, the disagreements shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia.